Here’s a track I produced and recorded with Philadelphia’s BBR (Big Brother Resistance) back in 1999. The track is all about what layes beyond the fabled end of the Mayan Calendar: December 21st, 2012 (which happens to be today’s date, as I post this). The song was the very first release on Arrakis Records, printed on vinyl 12″ in 2000.…
Tag Archive for supremeex
Matter of Moments – Unreleased Nuntype Song featuring Tajai (MP3)
I was digging in the (virtual) crates and came up on an old CD-R featuring a session demo of a track we cut from the final version of Nuntype, recorded more than likely in 2000. The song is called, “Matter of Moments” with me on production and Tajai on the mic. It’s never been released until now. Although “Matter of…
DJ Hero 2 Shows Yameen Some (T-Shirt) Love
While I’m still waiting for my official-official invitation to contribute to a DJ Hero video game set ;), I was pretty stoked to see Dan “One of Swords” Amrich — Activision’s social media guru and liaison — rocking one of my old, old SupremeEx t-shirts in this new DJ Hero 2 promotional video. Check it out: And while that shirt…
A Decade of Releases
It’s pretty bugged to think back ten years ago and reminiscence on how these albums were conceived, worked on and eventually brought to life. Here’s some of my favorite full-length releases from my output over the last ten years. Projecto:2501 (November 2nd, 2000) We started the decade not with a whimper, but with a bang: 2000’s Projecto: 2501 featuring me…
Projecto 2501: Yameen & Tajai Interview, XLR8R Magazine
XLR8R Magazine Cover Story “Fusing Music with New Visual Media” Issue 46, December 2000 Interview conducted by Peter Babb In August of 2000, Tajai and I met with journalist, Peter Babb in Oakland, California to publicly debut our first collaboration together, Projecto: 2501 for a special feature in XLR8R magazine. We sent Pete an advance copy of the album and…
Tajai in Bay Guardian (I Get Some Love Too)
Checkout my homeboy Tajai on the cover of this week’s Bay Area Guardian newspaper on shelves now: The house that Hiero built I get a little bit of shine as well in the article since our first record together, Projecto: 2501 came out on Tajai’s label in 1999. Definitely check it out. Tajai is one of the hardest working guys…